Please ensure that you are familiar with the following conditions before entering the sauna and steam room facilities:

Be aware that:

The potential hazards are:

You should not use the steam room if you:

How to use the steam room safely:

Are you in one of these groups?

Children: No one under the age of 16 years is allowed in the steam room.

The Elderly: May gain great benefit from the use of a steam room but should exercise caution due to the stresses on the heart and circulatory system.

Pregnant Women: The steam room should be avoided throughout pregnancy since the raising of the internal core body temperature could result in ill effects.

Diabetics: People with diabetes may need to check with their doctor before steam bathing.

Where a person with diabetes can use a steam room, they should note that:

If people with diabetes are aware of this risk and take precautions they may use steam rooms safely.

Document last reviewed: 3rd February 2025


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